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N.A.P.S. Article

New Treatment Generates Safe Results for
Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, and Pain

An extraordinary new product was recently released for the more than 118 million Americans suffering from anxiety, depression, insomnia or pain.

The Alpha-Stim, developed by Electromedical Products International, Inc. (EPI) based in Mineral Wells, Texas, is a small medical device that treats stress-related disorders and pain with tiny electrical currents.   These currents are similar to those found naturally in the body and use unique waveforms to normalize the body’s bioelectrical control systems.

Alpha-Stim’s simple, self-administered treatments, which generally take only 20 minutes every other day, calm frenetic brain activity found in stressed, anxious or depressed people, leaving the body relaxed and the mind alert. A physician’s survey revealed more than 90 percent of people using the Alpha-Stim for pain, anxiety or depression and 79 percent of people using the Alpha-Stim for insomnia obtained significant results.

The Alpha-Stim successfully treats anxiety, depression,
insomnia and pain without serious side effects.

Unlike medications, the Alpha-Stim is not addictive, does not develop tolerance and has no serious negative side effects. The Alpha-Stim is also highly cost-effective compared to on-going drug therapy and is frequently the quickest and most long-lasting solution to many pain and stress related problems.

“Thank-you letters have poured in from people who have experienced amazing results with the Alpha-Stim,” said Dr. Dan Kirsch, chairman of EPI and developer of the Alpha-Stim.  “Some people had suffered for years, not just from their condition but also from the harmful side-effects of medications, until they tried the Alpha-Stim.”

The Alpha-Stim employs the concept that humans are electrical beings and that the biophysics underlying the body’s chemistry play a significant role in regulating all of life’s processes.  And, since the brain controls every function of the body, the healing potential is tremendous.

To date, Alpha-Stim microcurrent technology has treated an estimated 8 million people worldwide.  The Alpha-Stim is available over-the-counter in Canada, Europe, Australia, South America, and Asia, but only by prescription in the U.S. For more information about the Alpha-Stim, visit Alpha Stim's Western Distributor website at , or call 

Sales and Service by:

Core Medical Consulting
Box 391
Agoura, California 91376
Cellular: 818.807.2050
Phone: 818.991.7676
Fax: 818.889.0055


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