



January 25, 2000

James Foley



Dear Electromedical Products,

I would like to express my gratitude for your Alpha-Stim Microcurrent stimulator. I have a chronic lower back condition and the only thing that has ever help relieve the pain is your product. I’d be lost without it. I take the four electrodes and place them on either side/front and back of my spine on low. I sleep and feel much better in the morning. I also use it for meditation and find that I noticeably become for focused. I start doing things with a clarity of vision that before seemed daunting. Things that I had procrastinated on suddenly get done much to my surprise. Even tedious tasks like paying the bills and answering cooresspondnce are completed with efficiencey. I also sleep better and deeper which used to be a real problem.


James Foley

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